Monday, December 3, 2012

Dexter time....

I'm baaaccck. Much like the Terminator or a bad rash, I have returned. Blogosphere, get ready..

 Here I sit in my room here in NYC watching Dexter on demand. Love this show. A serial killer who only kills killers and other bad people. It's kind gross, but also grossly interesting.

 Watching Dexter trying to keep his two "selves" separate, but vital, is a delicate dance. How do you stay a good person and enjoy the good things about life, while you are also contributing to what is the worst in this world? Yes, he kills bad people, but that's wrong....isn't it? Seeing it on a TV show makes it interesting and entertaining. The chase, the retribution, the secrets we are privy to that the people on the show know nothing about. It's all exciting. But how would we feel if Dexter were a real person? I think people would give him SOME slack for getting rid of a small bit of evil in the world. But the realistic portions of our brains would take over and demand punishment.

 I feel like I have dual selves sometimes. Not like Dexter. The only thing I kill when I get stressed is a pizza or a half gallon of egg nog (Hey..its' my one holiday indulgence..let me be.) My dual selves are never at war, and always aware of the other. My daytime self is the people pleaser. It's what I get paid to do, and what I'm good at. Unfortunately, it's sometimes to the detriment of my other self. The quiet homebody who enjoys alone time.

This second self sometimes enables me to be non-social, self deprecating, and bored. Ever since my ankle break, I have felt my personality become more introverted. On the surface, it's not a bad thing. It helps me shut up a little. :) However, I need to find a happy medium between the two. Find "Myself" again. It's gonna take some work, but setting a goal is sometimes the hardest part.

Mmm...Egg Nog....

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